Monday, May 24, 2004

Being a Hermit & Loving It

Clint is off to a California tournament for 10 days. He left Friday. You might think I would want to kick up my heels and party while he's gone. Or attack long neglected projects with gusto. Or at least get together with my friends as much as possible. No, I've been happily nestled at home doing nothing. Well, not really nothing, but nothing that "counts". Reading. Making real breakfasts for my kids instead of bagels. Cleaning up each mess as it happens, instead of waiting until it's challenging. Taking my preteens to see 13 Going On 30 (ok, we left the house for that one!). Running. Reading an awesome book to the kids; we can hardly put it down (Among the Hidden). Pondering what I'm supposed to be doing with my life (this because we're so broke we're thinking I need to get a job to make ends meet). Making cheesecake and devouring it with my kids. Cuddling with Tamzin 'cause she's sleeping in my bed while Clint's gone (to keep me company). Having a family tea party with real china cups and teapot because Tamzin wanted to.

There are tons of things I should be doing. Painting those #%@ doors. Weedwhacking the devil cheatgrass in my yard that enters my house with every step, and threatens to destroy my new carpet! I'm feeling a little guilty that while I expect Clint to work eveyr available weekend on the house projects, I haven't started one myself since we finished grouting the tile.

But, I'm going to do my best to keep guilt at bay and enjoy every moment of my laziness. I'll be over it soon enough, and off on another round of endless "to dos".

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