Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What a Headache

I had the worst migrane headache all day yesterday. After forcing myself through my normal morning tasks, I finally went to bed in the early afternoon. My objective was to get rid of the headache so I could go to Book Group. It didn't happen.

I tried everything; Ibuprofen, lots of water, a good meal, a nap, resting in the dark, destressing with a book, decongestant. Nothing helped. I felt very sorry for myself that I was missing book group, but my head hurt so bad I couldn't even focus.

This morning I am cautiously optimistic. The headache is mostly gone, but it's like my head still aches with the memory of the hurting yesterday. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. I'm trying not to make any fast moves, because I'm afraid it will come back.

And I'm feeling sorry for myself because I've lost a whole day, and I had things I wanted to do!

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