Sunday, March 06, 2005

Tournament Time Again

Clint headed off into the wild blue yonder yesterday. More specifically, he's going to California for a tournament at Clear Lake, his first tournament this year.

It would have been easier for me if I'd had a little more advance notice. While he knew about the tournament, and knew he wanted to go, he didn't make up his mind until a day and a half prior to departure time. He doesn't seem to get how up in the air this leaves things for me.

To his credit, he hung around on Saturday morning long enough to help me pull everything together for Gillian's birthday party that afternoon. As the first guest arrived, we said goodbye, and off he went.

Another positive note is that he will be staying with my dad, who lives in Clear Lake. Not only is this good because it will be cheaper, but my dad can use the company. He's lonely in general these days, and this week will be especially so, as the 2nd anniversary of his wife's death falls on the 12th. I'm very glad Clint will be there to keep my dad's spirits up.

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