Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Percentage of men who survive testicular cancer 95
Number of guests at Dad's memorial 94
Number of years my dad lived 66 and 364 days
Number of Hours I went without sleep 45
Number of Days my Dad was ill 38
Number of Hours to drive to the hospital 12.5
Number of Days I spent with dad while he was sick 11
Percentage of men over the age of 50 who survive testicular cancer 10
Number of Days of Cemotherapy 7
Number of Doctors involved in Dad's case 6
Number of times his diagnosis changed 4
Number of times Dad was admitted to the hospital last month 3
Number of electrolytes his body couldn't assimilate after chemo 3
Number of trips I made to California 2
Number of tears he cried when he knew he wouldn't make it 1
Number of times I've cried Too many to count

I miss my Dad


Dawn said...

I am so sorry, Stephanie.

Melonary said...

Thank you for this post.

It inspired me to call my father today. I've only seen him once in the past 40 years, though we talk on the phone a few times each year. When I called, my half-brother (who I've only seen once, ever) answered the phone.

It was really, really great to talk with both of them.

PS I cried when you were telling me about your dad's last days. I'm sorry he has died. I'm glad that you and your siblings were able to be there for him.

Melonary said...

I just remembered something. My dad took the photo of me with the troll dolls and my arm in a cast. It was after the divorce. He made us these cool little houses for our troll dolls.

Katrina Gutleben said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your father.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the stuff you're going through.

I think about you and your family a lot.

Eddie was/is a cool dude. I'm glad I got to meet him.

calculon said...

That's a bummer, man. Ditto what Chel said, I dug Eddie.