Monday, October 04, 2004

Our Weekend

Saturday morning Gillian had a soccer game, which we all attended together.

I spent the afternoon figuring out where our money situation is. I have to do this about every ten days or so. How come I never hear about anyone else doing this? It's truly incredible how many things we have to pay for. It takes the entire afternoon to balance the checkbook, enter all expenditures since the last time I did it, sort through and enter cash and cash card reciepts, open all the bills I've recieved and figure out what I can afford to pay, pay payroll taxes and any business taxes that have come due, estimate what our upcoming bills will be, including business and fishing expenses, and finally, calculate how much money we will have left to live on until the next time we get money.

Clint and Shelby spent the afternoon finishing the new chicken pen to the point that it could be occupied. Clint built nesting boxes, roosts, a door into their yard, a chicken-sizeddoor into the building, and a ramp. They love their new place. Much more roomy than the old one. Cleaner, too. It's still not done though. We have two more doors to build, and the brooding pen, storage shelves, and droppings pan.

Sunday morning we reluctantly fulfilled a family obligation and went to see Clint's nephew get baptized. Not being members of the church, we felt a tad awkward, but everyone was very warm and friendly, and Clint got to see some people he knew in high school.

Sunday afternoon we burned the burn pile, pulled goatheads, and cleaned the garage. I'm so glad to have that huge brush pile gone from my front yard! We burned lots of other stuff, too, like some of the leftover lumber from the remodel that won't be useable in the wood stove. I love getting rid of my yard garbage! We always seem to have way too much of it. And the garage! I'm SO happy to have that done. Well, it's not really done. The floors are swept and all the boxes and big articles are neatly stored. But the counter is still a wreck, piled high with all kinds of crap. Sigh. I'm hoping I can get Clint to come out with me a few evenings this week to chip away at it.

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