Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ferry Ride

We took the ferry on our recent trip to visit Clint's dad. We had such a great time! The weather was brisk, but not unpleasant, although no one could stay out on deck for long. The ferry moves along at a fast clip, creating a strong, chilly wind. The force of the wind makes walking on deck an effort. At first it was a little frightening, so we explored the rest of the ferry, bought cocoa and coffee from their cafeteria-style snack bar, and watched our passage from the safety of a booth. But eventually, curiosity and a sense of adventure won out; there was nothing left to do but brave the elements. The views were breathtaking, the trip relaxing.

Clint's dad lives so close to Seattle! Not counting the ferry ride, he's within 5 miles of the wharf, and we can take the ferry from his side over for free. We're already planning our next trip! We always have such a great time when we travel; we should do it more often.

1 comment:

Melonary said...

What a great pic! We end up on the Puget Sound ferries about once a year. It sure is a pretty place.