Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Project Completed


This is news of monumental proportions.

This task has been on my to do list for about 9 months. It's too low a priority to ever get to the top of the list.

I am so lucky to have a desk for my scrapbooking supplies. I found it at an estate sale for only $40. I was so excited to have a place to leave a project out, so I could work on it a little at a time in spare moments, instead of having to put everything away and get it back out again every time I had a moment to work on it.

The problem is, I don't have any spare moments. So the incomplete project I had sitting out on the desk never got worked on. Instead, the desk gradually became the receptacle for all things crafty that needed to find a home, as well as the location to dump any unfinished craft projects, paper pieces, photos, ribbons, cards, letters, and other memorabilia. We have been adding stuff to the pile on the desk for ages without ever putting any of it away. When housecleaning, we always ignored this particular mess. For almost a year.

I can hardly believe I had enough free time to spend an afternoon working on it, interruption-free. When I finally got to the end of the task, after about 5 hours of sorting, filing and purging, I was filled with the desire to scrapbook. I'd better resist the temptation, since that's how the last mess got started.


Anonymous said...

That table, sadly, sounds much like any horizontal space in my house... But congrats to you on the achievment of this goal!! :)


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it feel great to finally get that albatross gone! I've been going to paint for YEARS!!! Now that it's done (ahem...well except for the kitchen) It feels to great I can't believe it took me so long.