Friday, May 11, 2007

Reality Check

Looking back over my past blog posts, I can detect when I'm feeling crowded and when I have room to do my own thing by the frequency of my posts. I think I'm crowded more often than not these days.

But not today. I am hopeful that my weekend is going to be filled with room to do my own thing.

Alterations are done; payroll, job costing, invoicing, check balancing, and bill paying are all done; mending is done(I started working on that one in between alterations); inputting my financial data from the three weeks that my data was lost is done; 75% of the weeding is done.

My house, on the other hand, is a complete and total disaster. Dust everywhere, clutter overflowing every room, and shoes, socks, books, toys, and other miscellaneous paraphernalia from 6 different individuals left here, there, and everywhere.

I'll probably clean this weekend.

That's ok. I like to clean. But I wish I had this month's book on tape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Look at your done list! That is amazing!!!

I'm on a list today....I love lists.