Sunday, July 03, 2005

Office Blues

I've been buried in office work all week.

I didn't realize how behind I had gotten over the last few months. As the girls springtime activities kept getting bigger, more numerous, and more time consuming, I guess I was just doing the minimum to keep my office work under control. I would sort mail, pay bills, update my checkbook, clean up the clutter, do payroll, and so on. But over time, I collected a massive pile of "stuff to be dealt with later" that could finally wait no longer. So this week, I took advantage of our first whole week unscheduled to catch up on things. It's amazing how long it takes to process all those random projects and bits of paper.

The upside is that once I got on a roll, I just kept on going, and now I am ahead...just a little! I've already done my monthly taxes(not due til the 15th) and my Quarterlies (not due til the 31st!)

Then, to top it off, I even did a REALLY LOW priority office project...I burned a couple of mixed CD's from my growing MP3 files to listen to while running or in my new 'burb...which has a CD player!


Katrina Gutleben said...

That's so funny I tried to get my sister to nickname her suburban 'The Burb' but she wouldn't. She thought it was silly. Pah!

Unknown said...

Mix cd's are so fun!

I know what you mean about office paperwork clutter. I was just down stairs filing and realized what a mess the file cabinet is. There is a ton of stuff that needs tossed and other things that need labels.

It's never ending...

Melonary said...

Whenever I clean out old paperwork, I marvel at the fact that I kept so much of it in the first place.

BTW, I love your new ride. Maybe next time I'll get to listen to the stereo...