Thursday, January 18, 2007

F in Blogging

I'm not very good at blogging, I guess.

I think I'm losing interest, too. I had envisoned my blog as a way for me to keep in touch with friends and family that I don't talk to all the time, people who might want to know what I'm up to. It hasn't worked out that way, though. My faithful blog readers are people who already know what I'm up to on a regular basis, more or less. And those I thought would be interested in knowing my day to day activities? Not interested, I guess.

So, given the always overwhelmed state of my to-do list, blogging has become less and less and less of a priority, until now I wonder what the point is at all.

I was going to post a half dozen pictures detailing how I've spent the last month, but I can't get blogger to upload them. Must be a temporary glitch.


Dawn said...

You should keep blogging just for me! I love reading about all the interesting things you're up to.

Melonary said...

Yeah! Your posts are always great when you do post!