Sunday, November 26, 2006

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving was perfect. Relaxed and laid back. No company, just Clint and the kids and I. Clint, Rhiannon and I spent the morning cooking companionably, while the other girls played GameCube together.

An early dinner, a meal of all the traditional favorites, voted on by the family so that everyone got to have what they most wanted. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry apple stuffing, rolls, fresh green beans with bacon, sweet potato casserole, fruit salad, pumpkin pie and dutch apple pie.

A game of Apples to Apples over dessert, followed by a family movie and an afternoon doze. Who could ask for anything more?


Melonary said...

I finished off the turkey soup yesterday. The only thing left is a lot of stuffing and a dab of cranberry sauce. How about scrambled eggs and stuffing for dinner?

Unknown said...

Fun! Chloe was saying the apples to apples game is super fun.