Monday, April 19, 2004

Fit at 40

My goal was to lose 15 pounds and get into shape for my 40th birthday. I know this sounds dumb, but I thought I wouldn't mind wearing a Bikini one more year. I had almost reached my goal when the dread Easter weekend hit. Way too much food, way too many sweets, way too many leftovers. So I'm back to where I was two months ago...7 pounds from my goal weight and definitely not of the right shape to wear a bikini. Of course, no diet can give me breasts, something I have very little of, partly due to genetics, partly due to age, partly due to nursing more or less continuously for 10 years of my life.

On the bright side, I'm definitely fit! I'm running 4 to 5 miles three times a week, working out with weights, and feeling strong. And while the Easter weekend (and since then) has been very junky, in general I'm eating much better than before. Baby steps...

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