Monday, February 23, 2004

Computer Time

I used to ask the girls to limit themselves to an hour on the computer at a time. I heard weird stories about kids having seizures after sitting in front of a computer screen for too long. Besides, there are 6 of us, and one computer, so a time limit seemed like the only way to ensure everyone a turn. In the interests of limiting limits, and being a more laid back parent, I quit enforcing the one hour rule this month. Now, between the kids' blogs, games, email, and instant messaging, I can't get onto the computer!

I don't feel I have the right to claim priority just because I'm the parent, although I do that when I have to WORK on the computer. I haven't had much computer work lately...I guess that's why I've had time to start a blog! After they're in bed I want to hang out with my hubby. Before they're up I'm off to the club to work out (I have to get in shape for birthday #40!). So when am I going to get my turn??!!

Now here I am, posting to my blog while they wait downstairs for me to come read "Little Women". Enough said.

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