Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Reading Aloud

I love reading aloud to the kids. It's one of my favorite things to do.

At some point I discovered they loved "cuddle-with-Mommy-time" so much that I could get away with reading aloud books they might not have chosen for themselves. Of course, every now and then we...or I...pick a book that is just too boring to read aloud. But great books are called that for a reason. They suck you in, and leave you eager for the next installment every time. From James and the Giant Peach, to Ramona the Pest, Charlotte's Web to The Witch of Blackbird Pond, we love them all.

As the girls have gotten older, we've started delving into some of the "classics" I've always wanted to read. It's so cool to finally read some of the stories I've known about, but had never actually read, for myself, and it's even cooler that the girls want to hear them too. Swiss Family Robinson, Around the World in 80 Days,Tom Sawyer; it's amazing, but the kids love these books. Such stories surely have dry parts, but the girls keep listening, maybe because because the good parts are so good! I'm so lucky that I get to indulge my passion, and share it with my kids!

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