Thursday, June 03, 2004

And the Winner is...

The big news is Clint WON the tournament!!! Wooohooo! Uh-huh, do a happy dance!!!

Obviously I've become too jaded, because when he called the night before the final tournament day to tell me he was in first place, I couldn't let myself get excited about it. It's too easy to drop from first place to tenth place. But, no, my awesome studly husband brought in the biggest bag of fish two days in a row, and won the whole enchilada! He's a happy guy right about now. He's won his share of tournaments, but never one with a prize of this size. The prize? A bass boat, valued at $35000, and a check for $11,100. Hooray! I can pay all my overdue bills! He says he's going to sell the boat since we need the money (bless his practical little heart). Of course, we'll be lucky to get $25000 for it. But who's complaining. I might even be able to pay off a couple of credit cards.

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