Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Poor Puppy

Poor Munchkin was spayed yesterday. I feel so guilty! She looks like she's been through hell, obviously feels rotten, and it's all my fault. When we first got her we had contemplated letting her have a few litters. I was seeing dollar signs, I admit it. $400 per puppy would be pretty cool. But, I'm not willing to go through all the work to get to that point, and I hated dealing with her first "heat". Yuch.

We've had a number of pets before this, and always had them spayed, and I never felt as concerned and guilty as I do this time. I don't remember them having any difficulty recovering. Maybe that was before I'd been through having a child go through a surgery ad difficult recovery period.

I think Munchkin's mad at me. She knows I'm responsible for how rotten she feels.

She won't drink any water at all. The vet said to allow water avery few hours as long as she can keep it down, but should I force her to drink if she refuses?

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