Friday, June 11, 2004

Books and More Books

I finished reading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons for my book group yesterday. It was pretty good. What a relief to have a light read after Uncle Tom's Cabin and Cry the Beloved Country. Those were both great reads, but far more time consuming and thought provoking. I really loved Uncle Tom's Cabin.

One of my lifetime goals is to read as many classics as I can. I like the way they make me think about things. But it's also nice to take a break now and then too, and just read something entertaining. This morning I started reading Speak, a teen novel about a girl who is ostracized during her freshman year of high school for calling the cops on a summer party. It was so compelling I couldn't put it down. I finished it in one sitting. I'm thinking kids books might be an even better way to have a light read than trashy romantic novels. You can read one in a day, but they have real substance. I would call Speak a teen classic. Definitely worth reading.

The girls and I just finished reading The Moorchild, about a changeling trying to fit into village life. A good fantasy story with a relevant point about the perils of being different. We all liked it. One day I read aloud for over two hours because we were all so eager to find out what was going to happen.

Now we've started Great Expectations. The first few chapters have us laughing hilariously. Dickens is a master of caricature. His character are so exaggerated and bizarre, and funny! I hope the rest of the book will keep them this engaged.

I'm not sure what to pick up now...

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