Friday, June 11, 2004

Summer Barbeque

The Girl Scout Cookout was so much fun, I think I should have a Summer Barbeque. I've been wanting to have a party and clebrate my new home addition for ages. I'm thinking the July 4th weekend, but maybe people are out of town for the holiday?

We can drink wine and play music and eat yummy snacks, and have a whole separate room set up for the kids so they can have a party, too! It would be really cool to have a theme. Me and the girls thought of doing a Midsummer Night's Eve Party, and had all kinds of great ideas, but I don't think I can pull something together that fast.

The kids love throwing themed parties. I think it's because they like to decorate. And do crafts. And make deserts. I wouldn't let them do birthday parties this year because they wore me out on themed parties last year. But to my suprise, the alternatives to a party ended up being no easier than giving a party would have been. So now they're really eager to plan something. Maybe I should let THEM pick a theme, and just let them run with it and see where we end up!

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